We seek change and define activism as voices of difference that challenge conversations and the status quo. We are committed to make a change through collaborations, local impact, empowered storytelling and good decision making. 

— Cindie, Founder & Executive Director



Foodprint Nordic is a not-for-profit and purpose driven organisation founded in Copenhagen. We are dedicated to build new infrastructures and change the way we grow food in the Nordic countries to secure healthy soil and regenerative food in the future. Our goal is to make food part of the solution instead of it being part of the biodiversity and climate challenges as it is today.
We engage all eaters, the food world and all companies believing in the transition of our farmland so we can grow regenerative food serving humans and the planet positively.

Through our local projects we create real measurable change benefiting all of us and the next generations.


  • Cindie Christiansen

    Executive Director

  • Picture of Rasmus Ilsø

    Rasmus Ilsø

    Communications - and Community Manager

  • Meet the Top 50 Farmers team


  • Marin Lysák

    Board Chair | Assistant Professor at Copenhagen University | CLEVERFOOD

  • Peter Husted Sylvest

    Board Member | Co-founder of Simmering Copenhagen.

  • Trine Krebs

    Board member | Green Boss at Food Organisation of Denmark

  • Kamilla Bjørn Drøidal

    Board Member | CEO at The Melting Pot Foundation

  • Matt Orlando

    Board Member | Co-founder of Endless Food | Chef


  • Hanne Gundsersen Taxbøl

    Owner of Jordkontakt & Farmer

A global movement
with local impact

Foodprint Nordic is teaming up with innovative and regenerative farmers in the Nordics to change how we grow food in the Nordic countries. We are an independent organisation founded in Copenhagen and extending the model developed by the US-based non-profit Zero Foodprint. Today we are part of a big network with Zero Foodprint Asia and Zero Foodprint Germany, moving the agenda forward individually, yet together for global impact.


Collaborations is how we will create new systems and a regenerative future.